Once again this year I participated in the Pleasant Surprise exchange over on the Warhammer Empire forum. Every year it seems harder for me to find the time to create a nice surprise with my growing list of adult responsibilities, but I managed to paint up a figure this year nonetheless. My recipient received his figure this past week, so I figured it was a good enough time to post some photos here.
I chose one of my favourite Empire figures from the 90's - a hero with sword and pistol. I remember seeing him painted up in the army book when I was a kid, and I always wanted one. Well, as a grown-up collector, I have managed to find one and even had a spare who is now with his new owner.
My recipient did not have many posted pictures of an army, so I got creative and chose this bold purple and green scheme. I was quite happy with the results. Every year it is a bittersweet tradition... I tend to paint figures I wanted to paint for myself, only to send them away for someone else. I guess it is better to give than to receive, is it not?
I hope my recipient likes this figure as much as I did, and that he finds a memorable place in his collection!
gui hang quoc te.. i like it